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“ I am the happiest when the festive season comes and I play my tin whistle solo from the famous song by Pogues – Fairytale in New York. I never thought I could do that. It is now a tradition in my family that there is no Christmas if I don’t play the tune with all my family singing along. It is loud, fun and full of joy. Jana thank you for believing in me and inspiring me! ”


“ Jana’s lessons are full of enthusiasm, support and laughter and it helped me through some difficult times. I play tunes that I thought I could never play. Some are jazz and some classical pieces.  Her patience, encouragement, calm nature, professional approach gives me confidence to play my flute and be me, that I haven’t had before. I have been coming for weekly lessons for years. It is a power boost.“


“ I was looking for a flute teacher for a long time and then I found Jana. She is fun, kind, patient and her knowledge is so wide that I always hear new things. I was very stiff at first but as weeks passed by my body posture become better (I no longer had back pains). My breathing has improved immensely and I love the tone I make on my flute. I  practice every day and play  pieces for Grade 3.   I am even thinking of doing an exam. I love my lessons.” 


“I really wanted to learn how to play and sing the song  “Wolf mother” by First Aid Kit. It was daunting at first as I had no clue about ukulele or  cords or singing. I was put at ease in an instance. Jana’s enthusiasm is contagious as her positivity, clear directions and simple explanations.  Jana guided me step by step;  first  we got  the cords right, then added simple strumming pattern.  Jana was humming the tune all along. By the time I mastered my chords I was humming the tune as well. Then we just sang our hearts out and soon I felt comfortable singing it by myself. My confidence grew enormously. Jana thank you!”

Tilly Rose

“My daughter started with her recorder lessons online during the pandemic. She loves them. Jana makes lessons fun, energetic, tailored to our needs. She is also very friendly, professional and encouraging. My daughter learned not just to produce soft beautiful sound on the recorder but now reads music, is great at copying different rhythmical patterns and she grew in confidence.“ 


“When I retired I picked up a tin whistle with plenty of dust on and I didn’t have a single idea of what to do. I love Irish music and it seemed the most natural thing to pick. With Jana’s knowledge, positive energy, patience and enthusiasm I started to play easy tunes by heart within my first few lessons. It was amazing. I was well overwhelmed by what I can do and I love it. I feel a huge connection to my Irish heritage, proud that I can play Irish tunes and at times I get goose bumps  and my heart pops with joy. “


“I love music. I can’t put it into words.  It is very satisfying.”


“My daughter Sophia is autistic. She loves coming to Jana’s lessons. They are well structured as Sophia relies and thrives on structure. They start the lesson by lying on the floor and breathing.   “Breath into the earth”, as Jana says.  Sophie giggles all the time and it relaxes her. Then they play ukulele which helps Sophie’s hand coordination and ear/sound perception. They continue the lesson with playing a recorder as Sophie likes the little holes. Sometimes instead of a recorder  Jana will play her flute. They finish the lesson with a dance/body movement. Jana is very intuitive, gentle and full of imagination. Their relationship to us is invaluable.” 
